Wet Day in a Small State
The last recordable rainfall in Wilmington, Delaware was August 2 of this year. As I write, I hear the wonderful sound of rain hitting the windows of my house and I imagine I hear the relieved sighs of my summer plants as they decline into autumn.
My own sighs are for different reasons as I realize I will be walking at least one "rain-challenged" Jack Russell Terrier, Lizzie, this evening. She will nip and duck and dodge all raindrops and plant her firm terrier feet broadly in the drive, protesting the damp and the dark. She's a graduate of two levels of obedience and one of agility training - even pinned second in a recognized dog show - but rain is an environment she loathes and refuses to acknowledge except under the most dire of circumstances. I suspect that Lizzie and dire will intersect at about 11 o'clock tonight!
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